Beat your kids to the Summer Vacation blues by creating a Summer Bucket List!
Family Ideas
Outdoor Movie Night
Family Bike Ride
Backyard Camping
Build an obstacle course
Water Balloon Fight
Play a new board/card game
Go Hiking
Have a Picnic at the Beach
Plant a Garden
Mini-Golf & Bumper Cars
Play Badminton & Fly Kites at the park
Go to a Local Sports Game
Have a Glow-in-the-Dark Sleepover Party
Wash the Cars
Go Geocashing
Kids’ Rainy Day Ideas
Build a Lego City
Write a Story or Comic Book
Rearrange your Bedroom
Play with an Old/Forgotten Toy
Paint a Superhero Mask
Build a Fort & Enjoy Snack Time in it
Make a Scavenger Hunt
Cook Your Own Lunch
Make a Dream-Catcher
Do Yoga or Exercise
Make Sculptures out of Playdough or Kinetic Sand
Tie-Dye Projects
Turn your Living Room into a Movie Theater
Fix Something that is Broken
Learn How to Juggle